Carpet Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners

As a pet owner, it's no secret that accidents happen. But don't let those messes ruin your carpets! With these helpful tips for cleaning up after your furry friends, you can keep your floors looking fresh and new.

Invest in a handheld carpet extractor.

Cleaning up pet messes can be a hassle, especially when it comes to carpets. While paper towels may seem like a quick fix, they only absorb surface liquid and can push the mess deeper into the carpet. To effectively clean up pet messes, invest in a handheld carpet extractor. Avoid using a shop vacuum as the smell can linger in the filter. It's important to act quickly and thoroughly vacuum the area to prevent any lasting odors or stains.

Use a bio-enzymatic cleaner.

Pet owners with carpets often struggle with removing urine stains, whether fresh or dried. Ordinary carpet cleaners are not effective in removing the proteins, starches, urea, and uric acid found in pet urine. A bio-enzymatic cleaner is specifically designed to neutralize these compounds and eliminate the stain. It is important to use the bio-enzymatic cleaner before using a carpet cleaner, as the latter can set the stain permanently. Additionally, it is recommended to treat a larger area than the original stain, as liquid messes tend to spread as they are absorbed into the carpet.

Avoid steam cleaning.

It is not recommended to use steam cleaning on carpet stains as it can actually make the problem worse. The high temperature of the steam can cause the stain and odor to become more deeply embedded in the carpet fibers, making it even harder to remove. It's best to use alternative cleaning methods for carpet stains.

Use a putty knife for solids.

When dealing with solid messes on carpets, a putty knife can be a helpful tool. Start by sinking the edge of the putty knife into the carpet at the edge of the mess. Then, push it forward to scrape the solid waste up and into a dustpan. This will make it easier for cleaners to work and ensure that the mess is properly removed from the carpet.

Use an oxygenated pet stain cleaner.

To effectively remove solid stains from carpets, it is recommended to use an oxygenated pet stain cleaner. Apply the cleaner generously on the affected area and let it sit for about 45 minutes. This will help to break down any additional solids that may have seeped into the carpet fibers. Once the solids have been separated, simply clean them up. While bio-enzymatic cleaners are effective, they can take a while to work. To save time, allow the treated area to air-dry and then vacuum to restore the carpet's texture.

Avoid DIY cleaning solutions.

While DIY cleaning solutions using vinegar and baking soda may provide a temporary solution to pet messes, they often only mask the odor and do not address the root cause of the problem. For a more effective solution, it is recommended to purchase a cleaning product specifically designed for your type of pet mess. This will ensure that the mess is fully eliminated and the odor is not just temporarily covered up.

If you're struggling with pet urine odors in your carpets, call Total Care! We have a proven process that can help. Our method has been shown to remove stubborn odors, leaving your carpets smelling fresh and clean once again. Say goodbye to unpleasant pet smells and hello to a healthier, happier home!


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