Your Complete Spring Carpet Cleaning Checklist

As the springtime approaches, it's time to say goodbye to the snow and start planning your spring cleaning. Spring cleaning is an important yearly ritual that can make a huge difference in your home as you prepare for summer. However, with vacations right around the corner, there may not be a ton of money left over to invest in deep cleaning. Follow our tips and tricks below to do an effective spring cleaning without spending too much money!

Sweep and Mop

Treat your floors to a good clean with sweeping and mopping. As winter comes with colder temperatures and more tracking in from outside, you might need a refresher on the basic procedures involved in cleaning. Grab yourself a broom, mop, dustpan, and a trash bin and get going! Sweep any debris away before mopping the entire area of non-carpeted flooring. Disinfect your floors afterwards for maximum hygiene. This spring is the perfect time to do it!

Hire a Professional

Are your carpets a mess due to all the dirt and grime that winter weather brings? Don’t try to tackle it on your own, because using DIY cleaning solutions can be ineffective and make a bigger mess. Instead, you should look into hiring a professional carpet cleaner. A simple “carpet cleaning near me” mobile search will reveal all the local services in your area. Professional cleaners have experience with deep cleanings and are able to restore the fibers of your carpet back to their original condition.


Dust accumulates quickly, especially during the winter months. To keep your home free of this pesky dirt and debris, take the time to wipe down surfaces with a damp cloth or use commercial cleaners or wood polish formulas to sanitize them. Regular dusting helps assure that your living space stays clean and inviting! Aside from surfaces and furniture, grime can also accumulate in window sills, and on baseboards, or ceiling fans. These areas are easy to overlook, but details like these can really make your home feel a lot cleaner.

Use Vacuum Cleaner Attachments

Vacuuming is an essential part of carpet maintenance and an often overlooked part of overall home cleaning. With the use of interchangeable attachments, vacuums can reach tight spaces such as in between furniture cushions or around refrigerators and other appliances. They can also be used for more intense cleanings such as within car interiors. Regular vacuuming of carpets is key for keeping your floors looking great for years to come.

Clean You Cleaners

Spring cleaning isn’t all about scrubbing, dusting and tidying. It also means taking good care of the tools and supplies you use, like your vacuum cleaner, mop, broom, cloths and sponges. Ensure they are regularly cleaned or replaced to ensure they stay in great condition and last longer. Don’t forget to remove pet hair that may have become lodged in the bristles of the brush. This will make them easier to clean next time you need to tidying up – you’ll thank yourself later!

We Can Help

Looking for help with your spring cleaning? Reach out to our team and let us take care of your carpet cleaning needs! We are committed to delivering total customer satisfaction and we guarantee that you will be happy with the results of our services. Let us get your home sparkling clean for a fresh start to the season! Call today (319) 382-9815 to schedule an appointment.


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